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Find GEDI granules that intersect with a given spatial object.


  gedi_product = c("1B", "2A", "2B", "4A"),
  date_start = NULL,
  date_end = NULL,
  intersects = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE



object of class sf, spatVector, spatRaster, sfc, stars, stars_proxy, or numeric see details. Used to define the search area for GEDI data.


character of GEDI product to search for.


character or POSIXct of the start date to search for GEDI data. If NULL defaults to the start of GEDI operations (2019-03-25).


character or POSIXct of the end date to search for GEDI data. If NULL defaults to the current date.


logical indicating whether to return only granules that intersect with the given spatial object. If FALSE all granules that are contained within the bounding box of the spatial object are returned.


logical indicating whether to cache the results of the GEDI search. If TRUE the results of the search will be cached in the directory defined by: getOption("chewie.find.gedi.cache"). If FALSE the results will not be cached.


Where x is a numeric it must be of length 4 with values corresponding to the bounding box coordinates in the order xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.

By default, the {sf} package uses the s2 model to carry out geometric operations. This can sometimes result in the apparent intersection of GEDI granules and an AOI, possibly resulting in the downloading of more data than expected. If this is an issue in your case, you can use sf::sf_use_s2(use_s2 = FALSE). See sf_use_s2 for more details.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

humboldt <- sf::read_sf(
  system.file("geojson", "humboldt.geojson", package = "chewie")
humboldt_find_2a <- find_gedi(humboldt,
  gedi_product = "2A",
  date_start = "2022-01-01",
  date_end = "2022-04-01",
  cache = FALSE