Collect waveform data from GEDI 1B data
This function is used to collect the waveform data from GEDI 1B data returned
from collect_gedi
. The waveform amplitude is converted to a float value with
a precision of 0.0001 (i.e. 4 decimal places) and the elevation is calculated
from the elevation_bin0
, elevation_lastbin
and rx_sample_count
This function converts the waveform lists for each footprint to long form and merges all shots into a single tibble. The advantage of this is that it enables the analysis and comparison of multiple plots. If you wish to filter the shots that you want to analyse, simply filter the results of 'collect_gedi' before passing to this function.
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
prairie_creek <- sf::read_sf(
system.file("geojson", "prairie-creek.geojson", package = "chewie")
prairie_creek_find_1b <- find_gedi(prairie_creek,
gedi_product = "1B",
date_start = "2022-01-01", date_end = "2022-04-01",
cache = FALSE
prairie_creek_grab_1b <- grab_gedi(prairie_creek_find_1b)
prairie_creek_1b_sf <- collect_gedi(
prairie_creek_waveforms <- collect_waveforms(prairie_creek_1b_sf)