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rsi 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-29


New features

  • get_stac_data() gains an argument, download_function, which takes a STACItemCollection object and returns a data frame, where columns correspond to distinct assets, rows correspond to distinct items, and cells contain file paths to the downloaded data.

  • rsi_download_rasters() is a new function that exposes how get_stac_data() downloads assets.

  • get_alos_palsar_imagery() and alos_palsar_mask_function() are new functions to help you get and mask ALOS PALSAR imagery, respectively. Thanks to @h-a-graham via #48 and #50.

  • get_naip_data() is a function for getting National Agricultural Imagery Program data from (by default) Planetary Computer. Data covers the continental United States.

  • landsat_mask_function() gains an argument, include, which lets you specify whether you’d like to include pixels that represent land ("land"), water ("water"), or both ("both"). Thanks to @mateuszrydzik for the report via #37 (#46).

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Progress bars have been split into separate bars for downloading, masking, compositing and so on.

  • get_stac_data() no longer errors in (rare) circumstances where calculating the intersection of bounding boxes between your AOI and an individual item, performed when setting composite_function = NULL, produces a bounding box with ymin or xmin higher than ymax or xmax.

  • Functions will no longer error if you construct their arguments with glue::glue() (or otherwise if they have more than one class).

  • stack_rasters() will only rename bands if band_names is the same length as the number of bands in the output raster (or missing, or defined by a function). It will now warn you if these lengths are different. Previously, if you provided more than the required number of band names, stack_rasters() would silently ignore the extra names, and would error if you provided fewer names than bands.

  • get_stac_data() now warns if asset_names is NULL and there is more than one asset per item.

  • Functions sending HTTP requests now set a user agent of rsi (

rsi 0.1.2

CRAN release: 2024-02-13

  • get_stac_data() no longer includes mask_band in its outputs when composite_function = NULL. Add this band to asset_names to include it in the download.

rsi 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-01-18

  • get_stac_data() now removes colons (:) from the file names generated when composite_function = NULL. This means that datetimes are now generally formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHHMMSSZ, which is slightly dissatisfying but is a valid path on Windows systems (thanks to @jguelat, #29, #32).

  • stacK_rasters() no longer includes "-r", "bilinear" in its default value for gdalwarp_options (#27, #30).

  • get_stac_data() now provides a more informative error when 0 items are found for a given query (#26, #31).

rsi 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-10

  • Initial CRAN submission.