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Filter indices based on (relatively) complicated fields


  indices = spectral_indices(),
  platforms = unique(unlist(spectral_indices(download_indices = FALSE, update_cache =
  operand = c("all", "any")

  indices = spectral_indices(),
  bands = unique(unlist(spectral_indices(download_indices = FALSE, update_cache =
  operand = c("all", "any"),
  type = c("filter", "search")



The data frame to filter. Must contain the relevant column.

platforms, bands

Names of the instruments (for platforms) or spectra (for bands) indices must contain.


A function defining how to apply this filter. For instance, operand = all means that the index must contain all the platforms or bands provided, while operand = any means that the index must contain at least one of the platforms or bands provided.


What type of query is this? If filter, then indices are returned if all/any the bands they use (depending on operand) are in bands. If search, then indices are returned if all/any of bands are in the bands they use.


A filtered version of indices.


filter_platforms(platforms = "Sentinel-2")
#> # A tibble: 212 × 9
#>    application_domain bands     contributor   date_of_addition formula long_name
#>    <chr>              <list>    <chr>         <chr>            <chr>   <chr>    
#>  1 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  2 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  3 water              <chr [6]> https://gith… 2022-09-22       (B + G… Augmente…
#>  4 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-09-20       (1 / G… Anthocya…
#>  5 vegetation         <chr [3]> https://gith… 2022-04-08       N * ((… Anthocya…
#>  6 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-11       (N - (… Atmosphe…
#>  7 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-14       sla * … Adjusted…
#>  8 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2022-04-08       (N * (… Advanced…
#>  9 water              <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       4.0 * … Automate…
#> 10 water              <chr [5]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       B + 2.… Automate…
#> # ℹ 202 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: platforms <list>, reference <chr>, short_name <chr>
filter_platforms(platforms = c("Landsat-OLI", "Sentinel-2"))
#> # A tibble: 171 × 9
#>    application_domain bands     contributor   date_of_addition formula long_name
#>    <chr>              <list>    <chr>         <chr>            <chr>   <chr>    
#>  1 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  2 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  3 water              <chr [6]> https://gith… 2022-09-22       (B + G… Augmente…
#>  4 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-11       (N - (… Atmosphe…
#>  5 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-14       sla * … Adjusted…
#>  6 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2022-04-08       (N * (… Advanced…
#>  7 water              <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       4.0 * … Automate…
#>  8 water              <chr [5]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       B + 2.… Automate…
#>  9 burn               <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-04-07       1.0 / … Burned A…
#> 10 burn               <chr [2]> https://gith… 2022-04-20       1.0/((… Burned A…
#> # ℹ 161 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: platforms <list>, reference <chr>, short_name <chr>
filter_bands(bands = c("R", "N"), operand = any)
#> # A tibble: 188 × 9
#>    application_domain bands     contributor   date_of_addition formula long_name
#>    <chr>              <list>    <chr>         <chr>            <chr>   <chr>    
#>  1 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  2 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-11-17       (N - 0… Aerosol …
#>  3 water              <chr [6]> https://gith… 2022-09-22       (B + G… Augmente…
#>  4 vegetation         <chr [3]> https://gith… 2022-04-08       N * ((… Anthocya…
#>  5 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-11       (N - (… Atmosphe…
#>  6 vegetation         <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-05-14       sla * … Adjusted…
#>  7 vegetation         <chr [2]> https://gith… 2022-04-08       (N * (… Advanced…
#>  8 water              <chr [4]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       4.0 * … Automate…
#>  9 water              <chr [5]> https://gith… 2021-09-18       B + 2.… Automate…
#> 10 burn               <chr [2]> https://gith… 2021-04-07       1.0 / … Burned A…
#> # ℹ 178 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: platforms <list>, reference <chr>, short_name <chr>